Day By Day with James Allen, An Excellent Book

Day By Day is written by Vic Johnson, an Internet Infopreneur, who gives an in-depth thought provoking, soul searching, daily dose of James Allen's timeless book, "As a Man Thinketh." This book quotes some of the poignant thoughts of Mr. Allen and spreads it over a 31 day period. Any one who reads this book will have to read it through and than go back to whatever day he or she is on.

Vic Johnson touches on such things as conquering doubt, the possibility of belief, and thoughts creating behavior, to name a few. He relates an interesting relevant story to each subject matter.

One of the similitude's given by James Allen, that resonated with this writer is the comparison of the mind to a garden. Stating that the mind, like a garden can be "Intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild," either way it will bring forth, the key is, what product will come forth? One is reminded of the book by Michael Losier, The Law of Attraction, in which he states "That which one thinks about will grow." This reflection is very viable and the results can be seen by just looking around one's immediate environment, because that is the fruits from the thoughts.

On this fourteenth day of the month, which is the day this article was written, the focus is "Harmonizing Thoughts." "A person is the causer (though nearly always unconsciously) of his circumstances, and that, whilst aiming at the good end, he is continually frustrating its accomplishment by encouraging thoughts and desires that cannot possibly harmonize with that end." Our thoughts have to be congruent with our actions if we want to live a harmonizing life. We must be conscious of our thoughts so that our mind, and therefore our circumstances will bring the desired results.

At the end of the 31 day daily dose, is the entire book of "As a Man Thinketh." The entire Day by Day book is only 96 pages, which makes it short and sweet, but powerfully life changing.

Jenanah W. Amatullah-Muqsit is a Chaplain with the NYS Dept. of Correctional Services. She works part-time, in a maximum facility for women. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Ms. Muqsit is also a strong believer in entrepreneuralship A student of the University of Phoenix On-line School she is slated to graduate in 2011.


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